祝贺 the following students 谁提出 their work at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Long Beach, 加州! Under the mentorship of Dr. Kerry Cheesman (biology, emeritus), 丽贝卡Adejumo 提出了 Analysis of the Portrayal of Science at the Creation Museum (Petersburg, KY) 和
Comparison 和 Identification of Fungi in Glaciated 和 Non-glaciated Areas of Ohio,与 汉娜Acheampong. Cheesman 也辅导 Jiavonni坎贝尔, 内森吉布斯, 凯瑟琳·弗里兰, Jaiden瓦 for their presentation entitled Evaluation of the Efficacy of At-Home Genetic Testing Kits Between Identical Twins. 吉布斯 had two more presentations, PCR Analysis for Detection of Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Gram-Negative Soil Bacteria,导师 Dr. John Mersfelder (biology), Identification 和 Prevalence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on Amphibians in Ohio,与 雷切尔米 他的导师是 Dr. Christine Anderson (biology). Kirubel哈恩·阿斯范,导师 Dr. Andy Carlson (history),介绍了 Obstacles to Intra-Africa Trade. 玛德琳Gautreaux, 丽莉Dobbins, Alondra Clavel,导师 Dr. 安德里亚米. Karkowski (psychology),介绍了 their research about Student Definitions of College Student Success.
祝贺 the 尊敬的博士. Joy Schroeder (religion 和 seminary) 他发表 Maria Stewart, Scripture Interpretation, the Daughters of Africa in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Movements 和 the Bible, edited by Angela Berlis 和 Christiana de Groot (Society of Biblical Literature Press). The work is an essay on African American orator 和 activist Maria Stewart (1803-1879).
祝贺 Dr. Hoyun Cho (education) 他发表 Development of National Elementary Mathematics Textbook Grade 1-2 based on the Revised 2022 Curriculum with the Korean Ministry of 教育. All elementary students in Korea in Grades 1 和 2 will use these new textbooks for the first semester of the academic year 2024-2025. Cho is working on Semester II textbooks 和 teacher guidebooks.
Dr. Hoyun Cho (education) 还发表了 Elementary Mathematics 教育 Theory (Kyowoo), which is a Korean elementary math education textbook. The textbook is for college 和 university math education courses 和 aligns with the 2022 Korean Mathematics Curriculum. Twelve elementary math education professors contributed to this work 和 Cho is the only professor from the United States contributing to this work. 做得好!
荣誉, Dr. Stough-Hunter (sociology 和 criminology) 她的学生 亚历克斯·卡尔森 谁提出 Meeting Students Where They Are: Student Perceptions Before 和 After Principles of Criminology at the North Central Sociological Association Conference. Stough-Hunter 和 Carlson examined student perceptions of crime 和 the criminal justice system before 和 after a criminology class using a pre/post survey 和 analysis of a reflection paper.
与 Dr. Katie Gorman-Ezell (social work), Dr. Stough-Hunter (sociology 和 criminology) 也提出了 Extending the Application of the Structural Competency Framework at the Eastern Sociological Society Conference. Stough-Hunter 和 Gorman-Ezell argued that a structural competency framework is relevant to social work 和 yet has not been adequately embraced. 通过这项工作, they brought together two bodies of literature to highlight a gap in the application of a structural competency framework in healthcare settings.